Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Tree Transplanting
Tree Planting & Transplanting
How To Transplant A Tree: Step-by-Step Tutorial
For a smooth tree transplanting process, follow our comprehensive step-by-step tutorial on how to replant a tree and the best of the year. For large trees with trunks larger than 2 inches, we recommend leaving to the professionals.
Best Fast Growing Shrubs
Tree Selection Guide
Landscape Favorites: Best Slow and Fast Growing Shrubs
Get your list of some low-maintenance fast-growing shrubs, as well as slow-growers, that bring texture and interest to your green space to give you all the options you need to boost your landscape’s appearance.
Davey Tree Sap Oozing From Fruit Tree
Plant Health Care
Can You Stop A Fruit Tree From Leaking Sap (Cherry, Plum Or Peach)?
Colleen said, “I have a plum tree that's oozing sap, and many branches feel dead. Is this OK?” Stop the tree from leaking sap and see if plum tree sap is edible.
Verticillium Wilt Sarah Ruark AD
Insect & Disease Issues
Verticillium Wilt Threatens Japanese Maples
Here are the first signs and symptoms of verticillium wilt on your Japanese maples and what you can do for treatment and stop it from spreading.
Pest And Disease Maple Decline Banner 1440X500
Insect & Disease Issues
What Disease is Killing My Maple Tree?
Here are common signs of an unhealthy maple and how to save a dying maple tree to help you better protect and preserve your favorite tree.
When To Mulch Fall Winter Spring Davey Tree
Soil Care & Mulching
Should I Mulch in Spring, Fall or Before Winter?
Find out when you should mulch your landscape with this quiz. If you like the look of mulch, add in spring. If you have a super cold winter, fall might be better. Or...
Dsc 4359
Plant Health Care
How Much Water Does My Tree Need Weekly?
Watering the right amount is essential to keeping your trees strong and healthy. Read below to find out how to maintain the balance for all your trees!
Tree Transplanting Near Me
Tree Planting & Transplanting
How Often Can You Transplant The Same Tree?
Here's how to successfully transplant a tree and the common tree transplanting mistakes you should avoid.
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