Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Spots On Japanese Maple Tree Leaf Davey Tree
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have a Japanese Maple?
Gain insight into the general characteristics to help identify a Japanese maple.
Dsc 4560
Plant Health Care
DIY Tree Watering With Homemade Tree Watering System
Learn how to make a homemade tree watering system. You can water trees with a 5 gallon bucket or a DIY tree watering bag. Here are the steps.
051715 Eab Blog
Insect & Disease Issues
The 101 on Emerald Ash Borer
Learn the latest about emerald ash borer - including how to identify emerald ash borer symptoms earlier.
Dsc 0716
Plant Health Care
Slow Vs. Fast Release Fertilizer: What’s The Difference And Which One Is Better?
We'll explore the difference between slow-release and fast-release fertilizer options for your tree care fertilization so you can choose between slow-release fertilizer vs. fast release.
AS 507630274 Xyleborus Monographus MOB
Insect & Disease Issues
Mediterranean Oak Borer Threat
Here’s what you should know about this species of ambrosia beetle and how you can keep it from munching on your favorite trees.
Willow Tree
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have A Willow Tree?
Here’s tips on how to identify a willow tree and their unique characteristics.
Best Time To Prune Evergreens
Trimming & Pruning
When to Trim Evergreens
Different evergreen species have different pruning requirements compared to others and trimming timeframes. Be careful to not over prune the plant and cause additional challenges like inviting diseases or pests.
Fast Growing Shrub Azaleas
Tree Selection Guide
Best Flowering Shrubs
Check out our extensive list of best flowering shrubs recommendations based on your hardiness zone.
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