Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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What Is A Blue Spruce Tree
Tree Identification
Do I Have a Blue Spruce Tree?
Learn how to care for Blue Spruce Trees like a professional. The key to a thriving blue spruce tree is good soil drainage. These trees can be planted in zones 2-7 and do well in cold climates. They need at least 6 hours of sun but can’t handle excessively hot or humid weather conditions.
Pest And Disease Cankerworm Thumbnail 800X532
Insect & Disease Issues
Round Up: Common Native Tree Pests & Diseases in the South
Here are signs and symptoms of common tree diseases and tree pests typically found in the south. They aren’t always easy to spot, but recognizing these classic visual cues can be a warning sign of an infested, sick tree.
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Soil Care & Mulching
The Best Way to Cover Your Exposed Tree Roots
What's the best way cover tree roots above ground? Add mulch? Or perhaps topsoil or grass seed? How about gravel or concrete? Click to find your best option.
What Causes Ganoderma Root Rot
Insect & Disease Issues
Ganoderma Root Rot Treatment
“Ganoderma root rot” is a fungus that causes a wood-decaying infection that occurs through tree wounds, and attacks a variety of deciduous trees, such as maples, oaks, and honey locusts, as well as ashes, elms, and some conifers as well as palms. Here are symptoms and signs.
Lawn Care Aeration And Overseeding Tlc For Your Lawn Alternating 640X426png
Lawn Care & Maintenance
Best Time To Overseed Lawn (Midwest, Northeast, South, West)
Here's the best time to overseed the lawn in the Midwest, Northeast, South and West. Reseeding lawns covers bare spots, and overseeding lawns helps with weeds.
Certified Arborist
Plant Health Care
Top 5 Most Common Tree Problems and Solutions
What's wrong with your tree? Here are the 5 top most common tree problems and solutions.
Plants For Drainage
Tree Selection Guide
Thirsty Plants: Which Plants Absorb Excess Water in a Yard?
Struggling with standing water in your yard? Here’s a list of the best plants by zones that absorb water. In this post, you will find water-loving trees, shrubs and plants.
Drought Landscape
Soil Care & Mulching
How To Help Your Landscape Survive Dry Conditions
Here's how to best care for your trees, shrubs, and lawn during unexpected dry weather conditions.
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