Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
How to Spot—And Protect—Trees from Lightning
What exactly happens when lightning strikes a tree? Learn that and how to tell if a tree was hit by lightning. Plus, you can protect your trees from lightning damage.
Leaves In Yard
Leaf & Needle Problems
Managing Fallen Leaves In Your Yard
Are dead leaves harmful to plants or soil? Here are the benefits of fallen leaves and tips on how to best manage fallen leaves in your yard.
Money Does Grow On Trees 300X200
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
4 Things to Check Off Your Landscaping Spring Cleaning List
Signs Of A Stressed Tree
Plant Health Care
Signs & Symptoms Of Tree Stress (Plus Treatment)
Learn the signs of symptoms of a stressed tree including tree stress after planting, and signs of drought stress in trees. Then discover treatment for tree stress.
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Tree Removal
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Tree Removal After Storms?
Does homeowners insurance cover tree removal or loss after storms? Learn if you'd have to pay out of pocket costs if your home suffers tree damage.
Blog Redo 5 Steps To Spring Photo
The 5 Steps to Spring Landscape Success
What To Do With Dead Tree In Yard Davey Tree
Tree Removal
What To Do With A Dead Tree In Your Yard
So, you've got a dead tree in your yard. How long does it take for a dead tree to fall? Should dead trees be cut down, or can you decorate or spray paint a dead tree?
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Lawn Care & Maintenance
First-Time, New Homeowner’s Guide To Lawn Care
A wonderfully green lawn is often the first thing you spot when you arrive at a potential home, So how can you keep your lawn looking its best? Read on to find out
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