Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Compost Leaves
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Compost Shredded, Dry Leaves To Get These Leaf Compost Benefits
Learn how to compost leaves quickly including how to compost dry leaves, make leaf mold in garbage bags (leaf mulch) and how long it takes to compost leaves.
Mother Daughter In Spring
Plant Health Care
The 5 Commandments Of Spring Cleaning Your Landscape
Safeguarding your landscape investment means seasonally tending to your trees. And spring is a great time to take a good look at how the trees in your landscape are faring and review the important steps to ensure their good health throughout the year.
Best And Worst Trees To Plant Near A House
Tree Selection Guide
The Best and Worst Trees to Plant Near a House (By Zone)
Learn about the worst trees to plant near your house and what trees to avoid such as the white ash and oak because of their widespread, invasive roots.
20110311 Stock Kent Ohio Winter Trees 015
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
5 Steps for Handling Snow Bent Tree Branches
Bill asked, "Should I shake the trees or otherwise try to remove the snow from the branches?” If trees are bent over in snow, usually, you shouldn't shake snow bent trees.
Cutting Dead Branches Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
Does Cutting Off Dead Branches Help A Tree?
Yes - cutting off dead branches does help a tree! Here's three science-backed reasons why, and as a bonus, learn if cut tree branches can grow back!
Palm Tree
Plant Health Care
Palm Tree Care In Las Vegas Vs Florida
Florida and Las Vegas are both palm-friendly climates that drastically differ in weather, learn how to properly care for your palm trees.
Davey Care
Davey Knowledge
Most Common Questions about Summer Tree Care
Wondering how to care for your trees in summer? Is it OK to plant trees in summer? Or, why does your tree have yellow leaves in August? Click to learn...
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
Does Cabling a Tree Really Work?
Tree cabling and bracing is a proactive and preventative technique to support a tree with a poor or weak structure. Protecting your tree and giving it some support where necessary can help it withstand harsh storms.
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