Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Branch Breakage Snow
Plant Health Care
How to Spot and Help Prevent Branch Breakage on Trees
Branch breakage is just one sign your trees may be suffering from the winter season. So, how can you help? First, know what causes branch breakage and how to prevent it with these tips:
100115 Consultation
What To Expect When You Request a Davey Tree Free Consultation
Read our blog, and watch our Talking Trees video to find out!
Fall Armyworm
Lawn Care & Maintenance
What’s Destroying My Lawn: Fall Armyworm Damage & Control
What’s damaging my lawn? It could be armyworms! Early feeding damage looks like drought-stressed grass but can quickly progress to complete browning if there are a lot of fall armyworms present., learn more.
Drought Prone Landscape
Pick the Right Trees for Drought-Prone Landscapes
Dormant Pruning 600X400
5 Reasons to Prune During the Dormant Season
The dormant season temporarily slows tree growth, creating an ideal window to prune for current tree health and future tree growth.
What Month Do Trees Change Color And Fall Davey Tree
Davey Knowledge
What Month Do Leaves Change Color & Fall Off Trees?
Click to learn what month your tree leaves will change color and fall off trees in the Northeast, Midwest, South or West.
Root Crown Excavatoin 2
Soil Care & Mulching
Removing Tree Roots Above Ground: Will It Harm Or Kill The Tree?
Winter is coming, and it’s the best time to safely prune the roots of your tree. Learn how above ground roots can be cut without hurting your tree
Can An Uprooted Tree Be Saved
Tree Removal
What To Do With Uprooted Trees: Replant or Remove?
Since trees take a while to grow and provide the shade, look, or privacy you crave, it’s never easy to lose one. Let’s look at the reasons for uprooted trees and what options you have to help save them.
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