Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Bracing (1)
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
How To Support Tree Limbs
Protect your tree and property from any future damage with tree support systems. Understanding the type of tree support system your tree needs should be assessed by a certified arborist for the best outcome.
Conocarpus Topping In Riyadh Ad
Trimming & Pruning
What Is Tree Topping and Why Topping Is Harmful to Trees
You heard it here. Tree topping is not good for trees. Learn why tree topping damages trees and the right way to reduce trees' height.
Arctic Blast Snow Covered Roads
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How to Protect Trees from Winter Salt or Rock Salt Damage
Restoring tree health after spotting signs of rock salt damage requires management from both you and your local arborist.
Tree Removal
6 Signs It Might Be Time To Remove Your Tree
Noticing some structural or physical damage to your trees? Read on to find out the six signs of tree damage to determine if it might be the right time to remove your tree.
Tree Rotting At Base Mushrooms In Tree Cavitiy Hole Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Can You Repair or Stop a Tree Trunk From Rotting at the Base?
Uh-oh! Spot mushrooms or decay? If it looks like your tree is rotting, that's not good. It's very difficult to treat. But here's what you can do. Start by...
Climate Change Facts
Davey Knowledge
How Do Trees Help Fight Climate Change?
Did you know 64% of Americans are experiencing the effects of climate change where they live? Learn more.
Frozen Tree Branches
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Help! I Have Trees Bent Over by Ice. What Do I Do?
The best thing to do with frozen tree branches is to leave them alone! Once the ice melts you can assess the tree branch for pruning. If a large tree branch breaks off from ice or snow, contact a local arborist to discuss options like cabling and bracing.
Trees In Snow
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
5 steps to Help Trees Survive Winter with Little Damage
There are ways to keep your trees safe and strong this winter. With five, simple steps, your trees will stand sturdy in the heaviest of winter storms.
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