Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Tree Fertilization Resize
Plant Health Care
What, When And Why: The Best Way To Fertilize Trees
Learn when your tree needs to be fertilized, the best tree fertilizer and the best time to fertilize your trees...
Kid Choosing Christmas Tree Davey Tree
Tree Selection Guide
10 Common Live Christmas Trees & Their Advantages
Want to know the best smelling Christmas tree types? Learn about the most common Christmas tree types and the advantages of each type of Christmas tree.
Trees In Snow
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
5 steps to Help Trees Survive Winter with Little Damage
There are ways to keep your trees safe and strong this winter. With five, simple steps, your trees will stand sturdy in the heaviest of winter storms.
Watering Stock
Plant Health Care
When to Start Watering Trees in Spring
Depending on where you live, you should start watering your trees anywhere from mid-March to early May. How much should you water new trees? When is the best time to water trees? Get your tree watering tips here.
Pressure Washer On Tree Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Can I Use A Pressure Washer To Clean Or Spray Trees?
How can I spray tall trees with a pressure washer to clean it? Or would you recommend spraying insecticide with a power washer? Learn more about pressure washing trees.
Evergreen Tree Identification Guide
Tree Identification
Evergreen Tree Identification Guide: How to Tell the Difference Among Spruce, Fir and Pine Trees
Identifying evergreens can be tricky! Follow this guide on how to tell if you have a Spruce, Fir, or Pine tree by the shape of its needles and texture of cones. You will learn the different characteristics and differentiators.
Best Evergreen Trees
Plant Health Care
Why Do Evergreens Stay Green All Year?
Evergreens, like conifers, can conserve water during the summer and winter because of its special needle shape and waxy coating, so their leaves stay green year-round. What is the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees? Get all the evergreen tree care tips here.
Car Driving Through Snowy Forest
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
The 7 Best Steps To Prepare Your Trees For A Healthy, Happy New Year
Follow our winter checklist below to keep your trees and landscape healthy by identifying potential issues.
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