Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Wind Break Trees
Tree Selection Guide
The Best Trees For Blocking Wind & Act As A Windbreak
Discover the best windbreak trees in zones 5 through zone 9. Then, learn proper spacing for windbreak trees and how to plant trees for energy efficiency.
How To Protect Your Palm Tree In Winter
Plant Health Care
How To Protect Palm Trees In Winter
Being proactive is important for winter palm tree care. Here are winter palm tree care tips on palm fertilization, palm tree mulching, palm tree watering, and palm tree wraps and covers.
Oak Tree Fall Foliage
Tree Selection Guide
Best Oak Trees To Plant for Color
Here are some common oak tree varieties that can give you an amazing tree for shade, great texture and interest, and amazing fall color.
Pros And Cons Of Landscape Fabric Davey Tree 2
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Pros and Cons of Landscape Fabric
Curious about landscape fabric? Landscape fabric is usually made from a woven cloth material which works well under rock and gravel but usually isn't best in vegetable gardens. Learn the pros and cons of landscape fabrics and what alternatives you can use instead.
What A Tree Needs To Be Healthy Big Beautiful Tree Near House Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
What Do Trees Need to Be Healthy? (Tree Care Information)
Want to grow a big, beautiful tree? Or need to make a struggling tree healthy again? Use these 6 tips to get your tree looking fresh as can be. First...
Davey Tree What Happens If Trees Bud Too Early
Leaf & Needle Problems
What Happens If Trees Bud Too Early?
Because of the warm winter, your trees may be budding already. Is it bad if trees start budding in winter? Learn if they'll bloom again and how to protect them.
Buying A Home With Big Mature Trees Near Foundation Davey Tree
Buying a House with Big, Mature Trees Near House or Foundation
Buying a house with big, mature trees? Learn how big trees in the backyard save you money! But there are risks of having a big tree near or too close to the house: it could fall or it could damage the house foundation. Use this checklist before buying a house with big trees or dead trees.
European Spruce Bark Beetle Ips Typographus On Wood Davey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
What Trees Do Bark Beetles Attack and Can I Get Rid of Them?
Here are all the bark beetle facts you need! Learn what trees they attack and what they eat. You'll also learn the identification process for bark beetles, the damage they do and the treatment for bark beetles.
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