Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Should You Save Or Remove Ash Tree In Front Of Home Davey Tree
Tree Removal
Can Ash Trees Be Saved, or Should I Cut Down My Ash Tree?
Can ash trees be saved? Yes, they can be saved with proper treatment. Learn about the cost to treat emerald ash borer. Some people ask, “Should I cut down my ash tree?” Of course, we always want to save our trees, but there are times when removal may be best. See which is best for your tree.
092115 Fertilization
Plant Health Care
Fall Tree Care: Replenish Lost Nutrients With Fertilizer
Find out the four benefits to applying a slow-release fertilizer to your trees during the fall season, and tips for choosing the right fertilizer.
What Is Pruning Davey Arborist Pruning A Tree Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
Should Mature Trees Be Pruned?
Here are some tips for trimming mature trees so you can keep your biggest leafy landscape components healthy. Learn when should mature trees be pruned and how often.
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Tree Planting & Transplanting
Can You Plant Trees, Shrubs or Evergreens in the Winter?
Interested in planting trees or shrubs in the winter? Here’s how to tell if it’s OK to plant in winter or if you should wait for a more suitable season.
Winterizing Cedar Trees
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How To Protect Cedar Trees In Winter
Get all details here! How to best care for your cedar tree during cold, winter months with these tips on watering (how much and how often), when to wrap and unwrap cedar trees, and how to tell if your cedar tree is dying.
Oak Tree Caterpillar Davey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
How To Get Rid Of Oak Tree Caterpillars
Are you seeing caterpillars eating your favorite oak tree’s leaves? Find out how to get rid of oak tree caterpillars here:
Does Tapping Damage Maple Trees Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Tapping Doesn’t Seriously Damage Maple Trees (But Don't Plug Holes)
Tapping doesn't seriously damage maple trees - if you do it right! First, learn if your maple tree is big enough to tap (and if so many taps you can make per maple tree). Then, at the end of the season, you shouldn't be plugging maple tap holes. Trees will grow over that tiny hole in no time!
Trees Palm
Trimming & Pruning
The Best Way To Prune Palm Trees (Step-By-Step)
Learn how to promote healthy palm trees. Scroll on to read our 3 step pruning guide.
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