Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Davey Tree Salt Tolerant Evergreen Trees
Tree Selection Guide
Salt Tolerant Evergreen Trees (By Zone)
Winter salt can dry out evergreens, making their needles brown or yellow. Instead, select salt tolerant evergreens trees for the northeast region and each zone.
Look Out For Winter Tree Damage
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Why You Should Start Looking For Winter Tree Damage
Spring is a great time to inspect your trees for both obvious and not-so-obvious problems.
Fall Foliage
Plant Health Care
Fall in Love with Healthy Trees This Season
Follow These Guidelines From Our Fall Checklist To Help Keep Your Trees Healthy
Snowman Winter Scene
Plant Health Care
How The Polar Freeze Could Affect Your Trees
Although snow is associated with frigid temperatures, the fluffy white snowflakes that often blanket your backyard this time of year actually help ensure the survival of your trees and plants through spring.
Boxwood shrubs
Plant Health Care
Seasonal Boxwood Shrub Care
Here are some tips for how to care for boxwood shrubs so you can keep these hedges healthy and tidy all year long.
Seasonal Winter Trees Snow2
Winter Tree Care Checklist: Preparing Trees for Spring in 3 Steps
Follow these tips to help your trees remain strong throughout the winter season and prepare for healthy spring growth.
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
Does Cabling a Tree Really Work?
Tree cabling and bracing is a proactive and preventative technique to support a tree with a poor or weak structure. Protecting your tree and giving it some support where necessary can help it withstand harsh storms.
Shrub Pruning
Trimming & Pruning
Shrub Pruning: Why It Matters
Pruning shrubs is an essential step in the shrub maintenance process. Here are some benefits of shrub pruning and how to best trim these plants to ensure their long-lasting good health.
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