Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Snowy Tree Trunk With Crack
Davey Knowledge
Vertical Split In Tree Trunk: Can It Be Repaired?
Let’s learn more about what causes a tree trunk to split vertically and how to repair a split tree trunk.
Lawn Care & Maintenance
Should I Alternate Directions Each Time I Mow?
Read about why you absolutely should change up the route each time you mow. And, get tips on the best mowing patterns for your machine.
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Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
Protect Your Home by Prepping Trees for Tornadoes and Hurricanes
If you live in an area where tornadoes or hurricanes happen, you already know how important it is to prep early in the tornado and hurricane season. See what you can do to reduce storm damage.
Watering Newly Or Established Trees In Winter Davey Tree
What You Need to Know about Watering Trees in Winter (Even in Colorado!)
Learn about if watering newly planted trees in the winter is needed, including if you should water trees in winter in Colorado.
Arctic Blast Snow Covered Roads
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How to Protect Trees from Winter Salt or Rock Salt Damage
Restoring tree health after spotting signs of rock salt damage requires management from both you and your local arborist.
What Causes Brown Patch
Lawn Care & Maintenance
What Causes Brown Spots On Lawns During The Fall?
Why does grass turn brown in the fall? Brown patches on lawn can appear due to weather change, winter prep or poor maintenance. To proactively prevent brown patches and relive your grass due to brown patch disease, follow these steps in this article for lawn care essentials.
Fall Landscape Checklist Leaves 497X330
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
5 Smart Steps for a Winter-Ready Landscape
How To Get Rid Of Lanternflies
Insect & Disease Issues
Do Spotted Lanternflies Die In Winter?
Does cold weather kill spotted lanternfly? Yes, but only the grown-ups. The eggs survive the winter and create the whole vicious cycle all over again come springtime. Understanding the SLF life cycle is key!
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