Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Clean Cuts
In terms of tree care and maintenance, late fall and even early winter are perfect times to clean pruning tools and yard supplies - when they're not in use.
Spring Tree Care
Plant Health Care
Tree Care Checklist: How To Keep Trees Healthy This Spring
Keep your trees healthy with a spring tree care checklist to guide you on spring cleanup, tree trimming, lightning protection, soil care, and lawn care so your home landscape is ready for the season.
Can You Keep Big Trees Small Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How to Care For Mature Trees
Here's how to keep mature trees healthy with proper watering, pruning, fertilization, and regular monitoring and maintenance.
Ask The Arborist 1
Spring Tree Care Checklist: Prepare in 3 Phases
Follow the phases of spring tree care to boost tree nutrients and strength for a healthy growing season.
Best Fast Growing Shrubs
Tree Selection Guide
Landscape Favorites: Best Slow and Fast Growing Shrubs
Get your list of some low-maintenance fast-growing shrubs, as well as slow-growers, that bring texture and interest to your green space to give you all the options you need to boost your landscape’s appearance.
Cold Hardy Tree
Davey Knowledge
Plant Hardiness and Its Significance to Your Trees This Winter
Watering Can Stop Watering Garden Flowers Tres In Fall Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
When Should You Stop Watering Trees, Perennials and Garden in Fall?
You've been watering your plants all summer long! The leaves have changed, so can you finally cross "water the garden" off your to-do list? Well, you can stop when...
Winter Pruning
Trimming & Pruning
Winter Tree Pruning: Young Trees, Fruit Trees, Spring Flowering Trees
Let’s look at important facts about winter pruning, specifically for young trees, fruit trees, and spring-flowering trees, so you can gain a better understanding of how to keep your trees in prime health.
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