Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Tree Selection Guide
Best Small Flowering Trees for Your Landscape
Here are some of the best small flowering trees that require little maintenance and give your landscape a pop of color. You will also learn which ones you should stay away from, and how to properly care for your trees during spring.
What Does A Flowering Dogwood Look Like
Plant Health Care
When Do Flowering Trees Bloom in Spring, Including Fruit Trees
Everything you need to know about which fruit or flowering trees bloom in spring. Get a list of trees by growing zones that have pink or yellow flowers, and which flowering trees have the longest bloom. Is your fruit or flowering tree not blooming? Learn why!
What Does An Eastern Redbud Tree Look Like
Tree Identification
Tree Identification Guide: How to Identify an Eastern Redbud Tree
Native to North America, Eastern redbud tree flowers are pea-like and rosy pink with tinges of purple on many varieties. They grow 20- to 30-feet tall and 25- to 30-feet wide, giving small landscapes just the right touch of color and interest.
Fringe Tree Care
Tree Identification
Tree Identification Guide: How to Identify a Fringe Tree
Learn how to identify a Fringe tree with these key features, and how to properly care for one with these tree care tips.
How Do I Get My Hydrangea To Bloom
Plant Health Care
Why Won’t My Hydrangeas Bloom?
What would cause a hydrangea not to bloom? Here are the key factors -- including weather, fertilization, sun exposure, and pruning practices -- that are most commonly to blame for hydrangea not blooming.
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Tree Selection Guide
Do Bees Like Trees? Trees for Bees Guide
Include bees for trees when creating a pollinator garden! The best trees for bees are…
Best Trees For Fall Foliage
Tree Selection Guide
Brilliant Fall Foliage: Best Trees For Fall Color
As you plan your landscape, consider trees that provide seasonal beauty in your yard. Here’s a full list of top trees with the best foliage in fall.
Best Trees For Allergies
Tree Selection Guide
Best Low Pollen Trees
There are common plants and trees that trigger allergies. Here’s a list of the best and worst trees for allergies.
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