Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Dutch Elm 1 (1)
Tree Identification
How To Identify Dutch Elm Disease: Signs & Symptoms
Here are common signs and symptoms of Dutch Elm Disease and how to properly dispose of a tree with Dutch elm disease.
Bracing (1)
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
How To Support Tree Limbs
Protect your tree and property from any future damage with tree support systems. Understanding the type of tree support system your tree needs should be assessed by a certified arborist for the best outcome.
Newly Planted Tree Care
Tree Planting & Transplanting
How to Take Care of a Newly Planted Tree (5 Easy Steps)
Caring for a newly planted tree should be comprehensive, but it doesn’t have to be complicated! With the five quick tips below, you can get your new tree off to a great start.
Protecting Newly Planted Trees
How To Protect Newly Planted Trees From Frost
They key to protecting young or newly planted trees and shrubs from cold, winter weather elements are by shielding them from the top of the canopy down to the roots. Here are tips on the best way to protect trees/shrubs from frost, what temperature to cover plants and when to remove tree wrap.
What Kind Of Palm Tree Do I Have
Tree Identification
What Type of Palm Tree Do I Have?
The first step to identify the type of palm tree you have is looking closely at its leaves (aka “fronds”) and trunk. Follow this guide to learn more about your palm tree and how to properly care for it.
Dsc 2954
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Landscaping Tips For New Homeowners
Inspecting your landscape as a new or first-time homeowner, there may be red flags you didn’t know to look out for. Keep reading for a new homeowner’s guide to keeping your landscape in tip-top shape.
Cutting Dead Branches Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
Does Cutting Off Dead Branches Help A Tree?
Yes - cutting off dead branches does help a tree! Here's three science-backed reasons why, and as a bonus, learn if cut tree branches can grow back!
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Plant Health Care
How To Help Flooded Trees & Shrubs
Talking to a certified arborist about how to care for a waterlogged tree can ensure your plant gets the proper care and attention it needs after a stressful event like a flood.
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