Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Sassafras Tree Leaves
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have A Sassafras Tree?
What does a sassafras tree look like? If you suspect you have a sassafras tree in your yard, or if you’re on the lookout for one to plant, recognizing its unique features will be crucial. Here are key characteristics and tips on proper care.
Drought Landscape
Soil Care & Mulching
How To Help Your Landscape Survive Dry Conditions
Here's how to best care for your trees, shrubs, and lawn during unexpected dry weather conditions.
Pros And Cons Of Landscape Fabric Davey Tree 2
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Pros and Cons of Landscape Fabric
Curious about landscape fabric? Landscape fabric is usually made from a woven cloth material which works well under rock and gravel but usually isn't best in vegetable gardens. Learn the pros and cons of landscape fabrics and what alternatives you can use instead.
Tree Shoots
Lawn Care & Maintenance
How To Stop Tree Roots From Sprouting In The Lawn
Learn how to stop tree roots from sprouting in your lawn including how to prevent tree roots from sprouting and how to kill tree seedlings in your lawn.
Powdery Mildew On Maple Tree Davey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Get Rid of White Fuzzy Fungus on Plants (Powdery Mildew)
Notice fuzzy white stuff on your plants or plant stems? It's likely powdery mildew! It generally doesn't harm your tree, but it sure doesn't look good! Get rid of it by...
Deodar Cedar Tree Identification
Tree Identification
Do I Have a Deodar Cedar?
Here’s your ultimate guide on how to identify a Deodar Cedar tree. Its name evolves from the word devadaru, which is Sanskrit for “timber of the gods.” And that’s not only in reference to its gracious, elegant aesthetics.
Best Fast Growing Shrubs
Tree Selection Guide
Landscape Favorites: Best Slow and Fast Growing Shrubs
Get your list of some low-maintenance fast-growing shrubs, as well as slow-growers, that bring texture and interest to your green space to give you all the options you need to boost your landscape’s appearance.
Tree Identification
Do I Have a River Birch Tree?
Here’s a guide on how to identify a River Birch Tree by its leaf shape and bark characteristics. You will also gain insight on how to properly care for River Birch Trees for optimal growth and longevity.
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