Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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How To Mulch
Soil Care & Mulching
The Proper Way to Mulch Your Trees
Take a tip from trees in the natural setting when you tackle mulching. Proper tree mulching helps trees retain water, combat weeds and regulate soil temperature.
Hurricane Wind
How to Reduce Wind and Storm Damage on Trees
Protect your trees from high winds and stressful weather with these storm prep practices.
Can An Uprooted Tree Be Saved
Tree Removal
What To Do With Uprooted Trees: Replant or Remove?
Since trees take a while to grow and provide the shade, look, or privacy you crave, it’s never easy to lose one. Let’s look at the reasons for uprooted trees and what options you have to help save them.
Fotolia Browning Palm 566X707
Leaf & Needle Problems
Palm Tree Fronds Turning Brown or Drooping on Outdoor Palm Trees? Try…
Does your palm tree have droopy, discolored leaves? Get back to enjoying your dreamy palm trees with this advice on restoring a droopy, brown tree.
Browning Evergreen
Leaf & Needle Problems
What To Do When Evergreen Trees Are Dying From Top Down
Think your pine, evergreen or spruce tree is dying from the top down? Find out why the top of your evergreen is turning brown and what you can do.
Pin Oak Tree Care
Tree Identification
Do I Have a Pin Oak?
Pin oak trees are one of the fastest-growing shade trees. Here are some characteristics to help identify if you have a pin oak. Hint, the pin oak tree leaves stand out among other oaks.
Dsc 3421
Trimming & Pruning
What's the Cost of Tree Trimming, Branch Removal or Pruning?
The professional arborists at Davey have a system that caters the cost of tree pruning or branch removal services to your tree’s needs. Learn more here
Black Knot Fungus Must Credit Joseph Obrien Usda Forest Service Bugwoodorg
Insect & Disease Issues
How To Get Rid of Black Fungus on My Tree’s Trunk or Branches
Black fungus on your tree trunk or tree branches? Black knot disease is common in chokecherry trees and plum trees. Although you can eat plums from a tree with black knot, you should still contact an arborist to learn how to get rid of black knot on trees and how you can treat black knot fungus!
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