Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Bumps Or Burls On Tree Trunk Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Are Bumps on Branches and Trunks (Burls) Bad for Trees?
If you spot growing bumps on your tree trunk or bumps on tree branches, those are burls on trees! But are burls bad for trees? Usually not. Burls typically don’t do any harm to trees. But you should get to the bottom of why they're growing. Look for...
How To Get Rid Of Lace Bugs
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Get Rid of Lace Bugs
Lace bug damage can look a lot like other pest problems, so proper identification is the first step. Learn how to get rid of lace bugs, the common warning signs, and a list of plants susceptible to lace bugs.
How Do Trees Prepare For Winter And Tree Dormancy Tree With Autumn Leaves And Snow Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How Do Deciduous Trees Prepare For and Survive Winter?
While it may look like trees hibernate all winter, they aren't dead or asleep! In fact, they keep working hard and growing. To have that kind of energy, they...
Drought Prone Landscape
Pick the Right Trees for Drought-Prone Landscapes
Tree Selection Guide
Fireproof Landscapes With Fire Resistant Plants, Trees & Shrubs
Learn what trees and shrubs are fire resistant in California including a fire resistant plant list and trees that can survive forest fires.
Beech Tree
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have A Beech Tree?
Learn how to identify a beech tree by discovering the unique characteristics of beech tree bark and leaves. Understand the benefits of having a beech tree in your yard and get tips on beech tree care and how to manage potential threats like beech leaf disease.
Best Trees For Fall Foliage
Tree Selection Guide
Brilliant Fall Foliage: Best Trees For Fall Color
As you plan your landscape, consider trees that provide seasonal beauty in your yard. Here’s a full list of top trees with the best foliage in fall.
Joshua Tree Trees In Drought
Tree Planting & Transplanting
How To Pick The Right Trees For Drought-Prone Landscapes
Find drought-tolerant and drought-resistant trees in your zone.
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