Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Discarded Christmas Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
What To Do With Christmas Trees After The Holidays
What To Do With Christmas Trees after the Holidays
Can You Keep Big Trees Small Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
Can You Keep Big Trees Small or Limit Tree Height?
Learn how you can limit tree height and how to keep big trees small. You can’t actually stop a tree from growing taller or stunt the growth of a tree, but you can limit tree height by pruning it to keep it small. You can even keep a cherry tree or oak tree small by pruning it the right way.
Hardy Trees
Tree Selection Guide
Top Hardy Trees & Shrubs (By Zone)
With a little research, you can find out exactly what flowers, trees, and shrubs will look the best in your yard while factoring in climate, temperature, and weather.
Pine Needle Mulch
Soil Care & Mulching
Can I Use Pine Needles For Mulch?
Pine needles are handy to have all year long. When it’s time to mulch your plants and trees, consider using the needles that have fallen in your yard
Rain Stock
Plant Health Care
Can My Trees Get Too Much Rain?
Read about what happens when trees get drenched in too much water and what you can do to help them cope.
Ivy Growing On Trees
Trimming & Pruning
Why You Should Be Removing Ivy From Trees (And How To Do It!)
Does it harm trees for ivy to grow? Learn if you should remove ivy from trees and the best techniques for removing ivy from trees. You can even kill ivy with vinegar.
Remove Burlap And Wire Cage When Planting Tree Davey Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Should Burlap or Wire Baskets Be Removed When Planting Trees?
Even if it's organic, you should remove as much of the burlap as you can. Then, only remove this much of the wire basket...
How To Attract Birds To Your Yard
Tree Selection Guide
Best Trees and Plants for Bird Lovers
Learn how to attract birds to your yard by planting trees, flowers or shrubs that are native to your area. In this post, we share the best trees and flowers to consider that are bird-friendly. As well as flowers that attract hummingbirds.
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