The cicadas are coming! The cicadas are coming!

And 2024 isn’t just a typical cicada brood year. In fact, not since Thomas Jefferson was president in 1803 will the U.S. have two periodical cicada broods emerge in the same year.

How many cicadas will emerge in 2024? Trillions, yes, trillions.

Luckily, these periodical cicadas will not emerge everywhere; the window is somewhat narrow, especially for the appearance of both broods together.

Let’s learn more about what states will have cicadas in 2024 and answer the question, “Do cicadas damage trees and plants?” so you can better prepare for these insects this spring.

When Will Cicadas Emerge?

When will we see these cicadas in 2024 emerge? First, let’s talk about the two types of cicadas: periodical and annual. Annual cicadas emerge every year, while periodical cicadas emerge every 13 or 17 years.

Cicadas emerge in broods. This year we’re dealing with Brood XIX, which is on the 13-year cycle, and Brood XII, which is on the 17-year cycle.

These two broods are expected to make an appearance starting in early to mid-May, depending on location, and ending in late June.

This will happen when the soil approximately 8 inches below the ground reaches 60- to 65-degrees Fahrenheit. Warm rain can often trigger this to happen. With the spring having been a bit warmer already in 2024, this could happen earlier.

What States Will Have Cicadas in 2024?

Each cicada 2024 brood will appear in different areas with a narrow zone of overlap.

The Brood XIX will emerge in Missouri, southern Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, as well as in Southeast states of Arkansas, Georgia, Southern Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. Brood XIII will mainly hit northern Illinois and Iowa. The two broods will overlap in a narrow zone in Illinois.

Do Cicadas Cause Tree Damage?

After the cicada nymphs emerge, they only live 4 to 6 more weeks to mate and lay eggs or fertilize eggs. Then they begin their multi-year cycle.

After mating, females make small wounds in tree twigs to lay their eggs.

What trees are most at risk? When it comes to tree damage, younger or newly planted trees are the most susceptible. Cicadas tend to prefer nursery and fruit trees, as well as oak trees, maple trees, hawthorn trees, and redbud trees.

While you may see some small twig die back in canopies of large trees, this has little impact on the health of mature trees. Luckily the tree wounds cicadas make aren’t big enough to draw in other insects or diseases like oak wilt.

What Does Cicada Damage Look Like?

The biggest cicada damage results from their egg laying when the female cicadas make small slits in twigs at the end of tree branches. These twigs often become weak and break off the tree.

Young trees can show canopy loss due to limited branches after this egg-laying process, and can be killed when eggs are laid in their small trunks

What To Do for Managing Cicada Damage To Trees

To prevent cicada-related tree damage, you can drape sheer fabric over newly planted or small-diameter trees that have a lot of twig-sized branches. Any netting, chiffon, mesh, or cheesecloth can be used. Only leave the netting on after emergence for approximately two weeks, usually during May and June.

We do not recommend insecticides to control cicadas as they are not effective.

Will Cicadas Affecting Planting New Trees?

If you are located in one of the cicada 2024 states, it may be best to wait until fall to plant trees this year to avoid any insect impact.



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