Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Tree Transplanting
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Can You Plant A Tree Where Another Died?
Planting a tree where your old tree died can be tricky. To avoid replant disease and ensure tree planting success, follow these tips on how to plant a tree properly.
Snow Mold
Lawn Care & Maintenance
What Is This Whitish Gray (Or Whitish Pink) Fuzz On My Grass?
What is snow mold? It's a fungal disease that can create patches of whitish gray or whitish pink grass blades in late winter and early spring. Let's talk about how to prevent snow mold and how to get rid of snow mold in your home lawn.
Boy Watering
Plant Health Care
What Is Deep Root Watering Of A Tree?
What is slow watering vs. deep root watering? Is it the best way to water trees? Do you need a tree deep watering tool? Learn more.
Pest And Disease Cankerworm Thumbnail 800X532
Insect & Disease Issues
Round Up: Common Native Tree Pests & Diseases in the South
Here are signs and symptoms of common tree diseases and tree pests typically found in the south. They aren’t always easy to spot, but recognizing these classic visual cues can be a warning sign of an infested, sick tree.
Japanese Holly Tree Care
Tree Identification
Shrub Identification: Do I Have a Japanese Holly?
Japanese holly is a handsome broadleaf evergreen shrub. Maybe you already have a Japanese holly in your yard or you’re thinking about planting one. Here are some popular Japanese holly varieties and some care tips.
Fruit Tree Care
Plant Health Care
How To Care For Fruit Trees In Early Spring
You should prune apple, pear, plum and cherry trees in early spring (late February and early April) before they leaf out. Get all the tips and details on how to care for fruit trees in spring.
Mushroom Id New Jersey Ed Zimmerman 004
Plant Health Care
The Difference Between Promoting Proper Plant Health Care and a Misdiagnosis
Fall Tree Care Tips
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Tree Care Checklist: How to Keep Trees Healthy This Fall
From professional tree care experts, here are seasonal tips and information to follow when it comes to fall tree care.
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