Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Verticillium Wilt Sarah Ruark AD
Insect & Disease Issues
Verticillium Wilt Threatens Japanese Maples
Here are the first signs and symptoms of verticillium wilt on your Japanese maples and what you can do for treatment and stop it from spreading.
Davey Tree Why Does My Tree Only Have Leaves On One Side
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Does My Tree Only Have Leaves on One Side?
Wondering why your tree has no leaves on one side? Learn why your tree is not leafing out.
Leaves20starting20to20change20color20 20Web 412X275
Plant Health Care
Why Do Leaves Change Color in the Fall?
What causes leaf color change? The answer is chlorophyll. During the fall season these levels dip, letting carotenoids to be more visible for fall foliage.
Spring Leaf Drop Tree Losing Leaves In Spring Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Are My Trees Shedding or Losing Leaves in Spring?
For some trees, spring leaf drop is perfectly normal, But if you don’t have a tree that naturally loses its leaves in spring and your tree leaves appear curled, spotted, or brown, your tree could have an infection called anthracnose. Learn more about spring leaf drop and how to manage anthracnose.
Apple Scab
Insect & Disease Issues
Common Spring Plant & Tree Diseases Caused By Fungi
Fungi thrive in wet spring weather. Check your plants for symptoms using this list of plant and tree diseases caused by fungi. Then, learn how to help your plants.
Fotolia Browning Palm 566X707
Leaf & Needle Problems
Palm Tree Care: Should I Cut Off Brown Palm Leaves?
Giving your palm trees proper care includes understanding why their leaves may turn brown and how to best care for them. Here's what causes palm tree leaves to turn brown and what you can do about it.
Palm Not Opening
Leaf & Needle Problems
What to do if Your Palm Tree’s Spear Isn’t Opening Up (Majesty, Kentia)
If you’re worried about a spear leaf that just won’t open on your palm tree, keep reading for some common causes—and solutions—to this palm tree problem.
Winterberry Holly
Tree Identification
Do I Have a Winterberry Holly?
Learn how to identify a Winterberry Holly by its leaf, fruit, and bark. Winterberry Holly can grow in zones 3-9 and prefers acidic soil. The shrub needs at least 4 and up to 6 hours of uninterrupted sunlight per day and blooms in late spring.
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