Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Whats Wrong With My Forsythia
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Didn't My Forsythia Bloom This Year?
Here are some issues that can stop forsythia shrubs from flowering: improper pruning, fungal diseases, placement in the yard, harsh winter and well-drained soil. Leaf problems, like discoloration or wilting, could be a sign the bush is dying.
Trees Losing Leaves In Early Or Late Summer Or Early Fall Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Are Trees Losing Leaves In August Or Early Fall?
A reader asked why her oak tree was losing all its leaves summer. If your tree is losing leaves in early summer (June) or late summer (August), find out why. We outline why oak, maple and ash trees lose leaves in summer. Or if you're seeing tree leaves lose leaves early in the fall, click here!
Fall Leaves 2
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
The Best Way To Clean Up Leaves (Even In A Large Yard)
Learn how to deal with leaves-including the best way to remove leaves, the easiest way to pick up leaves, the best way to bag leaves and leaf disposal ideas!
1406190 LGPT Rhizosphaera Kalkhoffii
Insect & Disease Issues
Blue Spruce Tree Needles Turning Yellow, Brown, Then Dropping? Check For…
Yellow or brown needles falling off your spruce tree or Colorado blue spruce? Look for Rhizosphaera needle cast symptoms and manage this blue spruce needle cast.
Spots On Japanese Maple Tree Leaf Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
What Can I do About Spots on Japanese Maple Leaves or Trunk?
Noticing spots, powder or a fungus on your Japanese maple leaves? Whether the spots are white or brown, it's typically not a serious issue. Still want your tree to look good? Get rid of those leaf problems with these easy steps. First...
Tree Not Leafing Out
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Is My Tree Not Blooming?
Why is my tree not blooming? Get all the details on why: how trees know it’s time to grow in spring, what to do once your tree blooms, tree leaf out schedule for each region and what to do if you have a late bloomer.
Davey Tree Tree With Buds But No Leaves
Leaf & Needle Problems
Uh Oh - My Tree Has Buds, But No Leaves?
If your tree has buds but no leaves, what's going on? Learn why your tree buds are not opening and turning into leaves.
Trimming & Pruning
Avoid Pruning Oak Trees in Summer – Oak Wilt Causes
If you love oak trees as much as us, you’ve dreaded the deadly oak wilt disease. Read on to learn why, pruning oak trees in summer increases their risk of oak wilt.
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