Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Tree Shoots
Lawn Care & Maintenance
How To Stop Tree Roots From Sprouting In The Lawn
Learn how to stop tree roots from sprouting in your lawn including how to prevent tree roots from sprouting and how to kill tree seedlings in your lawn.
What A Tree Needs To Be Healthy Big Beautiful Tree Near House Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
What Do Trees Need to Be Healthy? (Tree Care Information)
Want to grow a big, beautiful tree? Or need to make a struggling tree healthy again? Use these 6 tips to get your tree looking fresh as can be. First...
Davey Tree Tree Root Growth
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Tree Transplanting: Cutting Tree Roots Without Killing A Tree
Before transplanting a tree there’s crucial root prep involved. But before you attempt to prune tree roots on your own, read this post to learn how to keep your tree as safe as possible in the process.
Tree Watering Bag Stock
Tree Watering
Do Tree Watering Bags Work?
Tree watering bags have numerous benefits, but in some cases, they come with drawbacks.
Why To Keep Mulch Away From Tree Trunks Volcano Mulching Davey Tree
Soil Care & Mulching
Why You Need to Keep Mulch Away from Tree Trunks
Mulching is great for your trees, but piling it too high and covering a tree's trunk, can cause decay. Learn why you should keep mulch away from tree trunks and how having mulch too thick around your tree can cause moisture build-up and could smother your tree's roots. Click here for more here!
Snowy Tree Trunk With Crack
Davey Knowledge
Vertical Split In Tree Trunk: Can It Be Repaired?
Let’s learn more about what causes a tree trunk to split vertically and how to repair a split tree trunk.
When Can You Prune Oak Trees In Texas
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have An Oak Tree?
Here are some oak tree identification tips to help you better recognize these landscape giants.
Whats Wrong With My Forsythia
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Didn't My Forsythia Bloom This Year?
Here are some issues that can stop forsythia shrubs from flowering: improper pruning, fungal diseases, placement in the yard, harsh winter and well-drained soil. Leaf problems, like discoloration or wilting, could be a sign the bush is dying.
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