Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Sudden Limb Drop Fallen Branch In Yard Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
What Is Sudden Branch Drop Syndrome?
Branches falling off of your seemingly healthy tree in summer? That sounds like sudden branch syndrome! Click to learn why this happens and what you should do!
Tree With No Branches Over Pruned Tree
Trimming & Pruning
What Happens If You Cut All the Branches Off of a Tree?
One cut. Two cuts. It started fine. Until you finished pruning and realized you cut off all the branches! Now what? Over time, it will likely recover. Start by...
Crabgrass (2)
Lawn Care & Maintenance
How To Get Rid Of Crabgrass In The Summer
Learn what crabgrass looks like, why crabgrass is bad and how to get rid of crabgrass with and without chemicals. Here are steps to remove and kill crabgrass in summer.
Tree Rotting At Base Mushrooms In Tree Cavitiy Hole Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Can You Repair or Stop a Tree Trunk From Rotting at the Base?
Uh-oh! Spot mushrooms or decay? If it looks like your tree is rotting, that's not good. It's very difficult to treat. But here's what you can do. Start by...
How To Get Rid Of Lanternflies
Insect & Disease Issues
Do Spotted Lanternflies Die In Winter?
Does cold weather kill spotted lanternfly? Yes, but only the grown-ups. The eggs survive the winter and create the whole vicious cycle all over again come springtime. Understanding the SLF life cycle is key!
Mowing Stock
Lawn Care & Maintenance
Recommended Lawn Mowing Heights By Season (Spring, Summer, Fall)
Read through the best height to mow your lawn based on the time of year and the type of grass you have.
Fall Armyworm
Lawn Care & Maintenance
What’s Destroying My Lawn: Fall Armyworm Damage & Control
What’s damaging my lawn? It could be armyworms! Early feeding damage looks like drought-stressed grass but can quickly progress to complete browning if there are a lot of fall armyworms present., learn more.
Tree Transplanting
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Can You Plant A Tree Where Another Died?
Planting a tree where your old tree died can be tricky. To avoid replant disease and ensure tree planting success, follow these tips on how to plant a tree properly.
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