Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Best Trees For Fall Foliage
Tree Selection Guide
Brilliant Fall Foliage: Best Trees For Fall Color
As you plan your landscape, consider trees that provide seasonal beauty in your yard. Here’s a full list of top trees with the best foliage in fall.
Arborvitae New Growth Rate Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Do Arborvitae Branches Grow Back After Deer Or Storm Damage?
If your arborvitae are damaged, can you repair them? Arborvitae branches can grow back, if conditions are right. Click to learn how fast arborvitae grow.
Winter Home Stock
Tree Selection Guide
Best Trees to Plant for Winter Color
Top Winter Interest Plants and Trees Color
Davey Tree Tree With Buds But No Leaves
Leaf & Needle Problems
Uh Oh - My Tree Has Buds, But No Leaves?
If your tree has buds but no leaves, what's going on? Learn why your tree buds are not opening and turning into leaves.
Japanese Beetle
Insect & Disease Issues
Identifying Common Spring and Summer Tree Insects (Pests)
Leaf curling or spots on new leaves? Learn what insect is damaging your tree - and how to stop it.
Pine Trees That Lose Needles In Winter Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
What "Pine" Trees Lose Their Needles in Winter?
What pine trees lose their needles in winter, and when do pine needles stop falling? Over your pine shedding needles? Pick pine/evergreen trees that don't drop needles!
House On Hill
Tree Selection Guide
Best Trees To Plant On Hillsides & Slopes (Evergreen & Shade)
Wondering what to plant on a slope to prevent erosion? Find the best evergreen and shade trees to plant on hillsides and steep slopes.
Cedar Stock
Plant Health Care
How to Tell if Your Brown, Yellow or Orange Cedar Tree is Dying
Are you seeing brown, yellow or orange needles on your cedar tree? If your cedar tree’s not living up to its “evergreen” name, keep reading to find out why.
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