Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Will Trees Recover From Ice
How to Get Ice Off Trees and Shrubs
Frozen tree branches are at risk of snapping under pressure, but it is best you don't remove ice from trees and shrubs. Here's what you can do to help your trees and shrubs recover from ice.
Treeswing Stock Tt
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How To Properly Install A Tree Swing And Avoid Damage To My Tree
about the best approach to creating a kid-proof, tree-friendly swing.
Boxelder Bug Infestation On Maple Or Boxelder Tree Dazvey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
Are Boxelder Bugs Eating Maple Tree Leaves? Control the Infestation…
Do you have boxelder bugs on your maple trees? They can be quite the bother but aren't known to cause any harm. Learn more about these bugs and how to get rid of them! Start by...
AS 285177860 Tubakia Maple
Leaf & Needle Problems
What Are These Water Marks On My Tree Leaves?
Tubakia leaf spot on oak is often confused with oak anthracnose. One way to tell them apart is the timing of leaf spots. Learn more.
What Does A Flowering Dogwood Look Like
Tree Identification
Do I have a Flowering Dogwood Tree?
Dogwoods are most recognized for their cross-shaped white or pink bracts. They require 4-6 hours of sun each day and can grow in a variety of climates. Learn how to properly care for flowering dogwoods and the potential threats that can harm your tree.
Best Trees For Allergies
Tree Selection Guide
Best Low Pollen Trees
There are common plants and trees that trigger allergies. Here’s a list of the best and worst trees for allergies.
Sassafras Tree Leaves
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have A Sassafras Tree?
What does a sassafras tree look like? If you suspect you have a sassafras tree in your yard, or if you’re on the lookout for one to plant, recognizing its unique features will be crucial. Here are key characteristics and tips on proper care.
What Causes Ganoderma Root Rot
Insect & Disease Issues
Ganoderma Root Rot Treatment
“Ganoderma root rot” is a fungus that causes a wood-decaying infection that occurs through tree wounds, and attacks a variety of deciduous trees, such as maples, oaks, and honey locusts, as well as ashes, elms, and some conifers as well as palms. Here are symptoms and signs.
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