Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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When Do Pine Trees Drip Sap Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
What Time of Year Do Pine Trees Drip Sap (and Can I Stop It?)
What time of year do pine trees drip sap, and how much pine sap is excessive? If it's golden brown, no need to stop tree sap from running or sapping. That's normal in spring. But if you see your pine tree oozing white sap (or a white substance on pine trees), there's a problem. Click here for more.
Best Trees For Allergies
Tree Selection Guide
Best Low Pollen Trees
There are common plants and trees that trigger allergies. Here’s a list of the best and worst trees for allergies.
Compost Leaves
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Compost Shredded, Dry Leaves To Get These Leaf Compost Benefits
Learn how to compost leaves quickly including how to compost dry leaves, make leaf mold in garbage bags (leaf mulch) and how long it takes to compost leaves.
092115 Eab
Insect & Disease Issues
Protect Your Ash Trees: Spot the Early Signs of EAB
EAB can potentially wreak havoc on your ash tree, but spotting these four early warning signs could save the tree's life.
Pawpaw Tree
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have A Pawpaw Tree?
Here are key identification characteristics of a Pawpaw tree to help you identify them and decide whether they might make a great addition to your home landscape.
Ants On Tree
Plant Health Care
How To Get Rid Of Ants Near Your Trees
Learn how to get rid of ants on trees and plants and if ants are killing your tree. Are ants around tree roots good or bad?
Tree Fertilization
Plant Health Care
Why You Should Fertilize Flowering Trees?
Fertilizing flowering trees can enhance your landscape aesthetics. By using a slow-release fertilizer it encourages blooms while increasing healthy growth. Fertilization strengthens trees by promoting a healthy root system, learn more.
Watering Trees In Drought
Plant Health Care
How Often to Water Trees During a Drought
With a finite amount of costly water, consider limiting water to hydrate your trees first.
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