Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Classic Holiday
Davey Knowledge
Harvesting Evergreen Boughs For Seasonal Wreaths
Evergreen boughs provide incredible texture and greenery! You can decorate them to match your color scheme or use them to add a touch of holiday magic to your home.
What To Do About Palm Tree Hurricane Damage Davey Tree
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
What To Do About Palm Tree Hurricane Damage
Wondering how palm trees survive hurricanes? It helps they are wind resistant, but even still, they can be damaged by hurricanes. Always examine palm trees after hurricanes and look for broken tops, or if they are bending or leaning. Learn how these issues can be corrected.
Will Pine Tree Roots Damage A Foundation
Trimming & Pruning
Is It Safe To Cut Pine Roots Growing Close To My House?
When pine tree roots grow near your home foundation, you might wonder whether or not you can cut the roots of a tree without killing it. We provide answers to the question: Can you cut pine tree roots?
Japanese Beetle
Insect & Disease Issues
Are Japanese Beetles Doing Damage to Your Tree Leaves?
Below discover what trees Japanese beetles do and don’t like to eat and how to get rid of this garden pest.
Newly Planted Tree Care
Tree Planting & Transplanting
How to Take Care of a Newly Planted Tree (5 Easy Steps)
Caring for a newly planted tree should be comprehensive, but it doesn’t have to be complicated! With the five quick tips below, you can get your new tree off to a great start.
Fotolia 67926921 S
Tree Selection Guide
Plants Good for Flooding and Wet Areas (By Zone)
Concerned about flood damage to your plants? Find out which trees and shrubs like wet soil. Then, identify the best plants for wet areas in your zone (garden zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10).
Blog Feature Privacy Tree
Tree Selection Guide
Top 5 Low Maintenance Evergreens for Privacy
Evergreens are great choices for privacy screens because they add this cover and color all year long. Let’s look at the best evergreens to plant for privacy.
Spots On Japanese Maple Tree Leaf Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
What Can I do About Spots on Japanese Maple Leaves or Trunk?
Noticing spots, powder or a fungus on your Japanese maple leaves? Whether the spots are white or brown, it's typically not a serious issue. Still want your tree to look good? Get rid of those leaf problems with these easy steps. First...
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