Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Pruning Young Tree
Trimming & Pruning
How to Prune or Trim Young Trees for Structure and Form
Wondering if you should prune your young tree? Find out how and when to prune your trees.
Azalea Rhododendrons
Tree Selection Guide
How to Use Dwarf Evergreens for Landscaping
While you may think evergreens only grow into massive specimens, there are many varieties of them. Let’s look at some great dwarf evergreens for landscaping and ways you can add them to your yard.
Tree No Leaves
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Your Tree is Not Growing Leaves in Spring (Cherry, Elm & Ash)
Why is your tree not growing leaves in spring? Including why cherry, elm and ash trees are not leafing out.
Fall Tree Care Tips
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Tree Care Checklist: How to Keep Trees Healthy This Fall
From professional tree care experts, here are seasonal tips and information to follow when it comes to fall tree care.
Dutch Elm Disease
Insect & Disease Issues
Are Your Trees Victims To Fall Fungal Diseases?
Oak Leaf Blister
Leaf & Needle Problems
What Are These Bumps on My Oak Tree Leaves?
Why are there bumps or round balls on oak tree leaves? Are these growths on oak leaves because of oak leaf gall or oak leaf blister? Learn what to do.
Dsc 5749 1
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Tree Planting Guide: 3 Methods of Planting Trees
Ready? Grab a shovel, and let's plant a tree! It shouldn't take too long. Plus, find out how to do it the right way. Don't plant it too deeply. Instead...
Can You Trim Or Cut Down Trees On Neighbors Property Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
Can My Neighbor Force Me to Cut Down or Trim My Trees?
Do you have the right to cut down a tree on someone else's property? Nope! And you can not cut trees down without permission either. But what if a tree sits on a property line? Click to learn more about if neighbors can force you to cut, trim or remove a tree.
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