Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Dsc 0716
Plant Health Care
Slow Vs. Fast Release Fertilizer: What’s The Difference And Which One Is Better?
We'll explore the difference between slow-release and fast-release fertilizer options for your tree care fertilization so you can choose between slow-release fertilizer vs. fast release.
Choosing A Mulch
Soil Care & Mulching
What Type Of Mulch To Choose: Mulch Selection Guide
It’s almost that time of year again to start mulching. Now’s a great time to read up on the various types of mulch and decide which one’s right for your landscape.
Tree Fertilization
Plant Health Care
Why You Should Fertilize Flowering Trees?
Fertilizing flowering trees can enhance your landscape aesthetics. By using a slow-release fertilizer it encourages blooms while increasing healthy growth. Fertilization strengthens trees by promoting a healthy root system, learn more.
What Does White Pine Look Like
Tree Identification
Do I Have A White Pine?
Learn how to identify a white pine like an expert! Detailed is an easy-to-follow guide on the unique characteristics of white pines: needles, cone shape, and tree bark. Once you identified your white pine, it’s time to properly care for it and proactively mitigate potential threats.
What Does An Eastern Redbud Tree Look Like
Tree Identification
Tree Identification Guide: How to Identify an Eastern Redbud Tree
Native to North America, Eastern redbud tree flowers are pea-like and rosy pink with tinges of purple on many varieties. They grow 20- to 30-feet tall and 25- to 30-feet wide, giving small landscapes just the right touch of color and interest.
How To Identify A Juniper Tree
Tree Identification
Do I Have a Juniper Tree?
Juniper trees and shrubs can naturally grow in so many different climates and come in about 60 different species. A helpful way to identify a juniper tree is by its pinecones, learn more.
Can An Uprooted Tree Be Saved
Tree Removal
What To Do With Uprooted Trees: Replant or Remove?
Since trees take a while to grow and provide the shade, look, or privacy you crave, it’s never easy to lose one. Let’s look at the reasons for uprooted trees and what options you have to help save them.
Pink Magnolia Tree
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have A Magnolia Tree?
Learn more about magnolia tree flowers, magnolia tree leaves, types of magnolia trees, choosing a magnolia tree variety, and how to care for your magnolia tree.
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