Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Soil Care & Mulching
The Best Way to Cover Your Exposed Tree Roots
What's the best way cover tree roots above ground? Add mulch? Or perhaps topsoil or grass seed? How about gravel or concrete? Click to find your best option.
091715 Leaf Disease Oak Anthracnose
How to Spot, Identify and Combat Leaf Disease On Trees
Mother Daughter In Spring
Plant Health Care
The 5 Commandments Of Spring Cleaning Your Landscape
Safeguarding your landscape investment means seasonally tending to your trees. And spring is a great time to take a good look at how the trees in your landscape are faring and review the important steps to ensure their good health throughout the year.
Dutch Elm 1 (1)
Tree Identification
How To Identify Dutch Elm Disease: Signs & Symptoms
Here are common signs and symptoms of Dutch Elm Disease and how to properly dispose of a tree with Dutch elm disease.
Red Twig Dogwood
Tree Selection Guide
Best Trees For Fence Lines
Here are some of our recommendations for best trees for a fence line.
Dsc 0716
Plant Health Care
Slow Vs. Fast Release Fertilizer: What’s The Difference And Which One Is Better?
We'll explore the difference between slow-release and fast-release fertilizer options for your tree care fertilization so you can choose between slow-release fertilizer vs. fast release.
Spotted Lanternfly
Insect & Disease Issues
Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) Alert: What You Need to Know
Get the need-to-know facts on Spotted Lanternfly (SLF): what does spotted lanternfly look like, what states have spotted lanternflies, what trees are affected by spotted lanternfly, spotted lanternfly tree damage, what to do if you see a spotted lanternfly.
Tree Fertilization
Plant Health Care
Why You Should Fertilize Flowering Trees?
Fertilizing flowering trees can enhance your landscape aesthetics. By using a slow-release fertilizer it encourages blooms while increasing healthy growth. Fertilization strengthens trees by promoting a healthy root system, learn more.
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