Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Browning Evergreen
Leaf & Needle Problems
What To Do When Evergreen Trees Are Dying From Top Down
Think your pine, evergreen or spruce tree is dying from the top down? Find out why the top of your evergreen is turning brown and what you can do.
Trees In Snow
Tree Safety, Storm Prep & Recovery
5 steps to Help Trees Survive Winter with Little Damage
There are ways to keep your trees safe and strong this winter. With five, simple steps, your trees will stand sturdy in the heaviest of winter storms.
Eab Tunnels2
Insect & Disease Issues
Are All Ash Trees Susceptible to Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)?
A Davey blog reader reached out to ask if all ash tree species were susceptible to this pest and if the borer prefers younger trees or more mature ones. If you think your trees are vulnerable to EAB, continue reading to learn about the signs and how to control this pest.
Planting Trees Shrubs And Flowers Near Septic Tank Davey Tree
Tree Selection Guide
What Trees Are Safe to Plant Near a Septic Tank?
Want to cover up your yard's pesky septic tank? Flowers and grass are probably your best bet. But a tree or shrub could work if you pick the right one. Just know...
Overwatered Trees
Plant Health Care
Signs Of Underwatering Trees Or Overwatering Trees
Learn the difference between overwatering and underwatering a tree including signs of overwatering, signs of underwatering trees and how to fix an overwatered tree.
Tree With Mulch
Soil Care & Mulching
Step By Step: How To Remove Grass To Mulch Around Trees
If there's grass around tree trunks, remove it before mulching around trees. Try this easy trick to kill the grass around tree trunks, then learn how to mulch!
Azalea Rhododendrons
Tree Selection Guide
How to Use Dwarf Evergreens for Landscaping
While you may think evergreens only grow into massive specimens, there are many varieties of them. Let’s look at some great dwarf evergreens for landscaping and ways you can add them to your yard.
Watering Plants
Plant Health Care
Morning (Not Night) Is The Best Time To Water Plants
Learn the best time to water plants in morning or night including is it bad to water plants at night and when should you water plants on a hot day.
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