Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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5 7 19 Do Nails Screws Or Staples Hurt Trees
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Do Nails, Screws Or Staples Hurt Trees?
Can you safely drill your tree with a nail or screw? Below, find out if your tree’s a good candidate, and get a guide to safely drilling nails, staples or screws into your tree.
2 14 19 Palm Tree Freeze Damage
Plant Health Care
What to Do About Palm Freeze Damage (and How to Protect Palms)
In some areas, palm trees do not get to soak up the sun all year round. Harsh winter weather can be tough on these tropical trees. Read on to learn how to help them bounce back.
Winter Tree Damage
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Protecting Trees From Snow and Ice Damage
Snow and ice can cause many issues when it packs onto your tree branches, but staying proactive before and after snowfall can help maintain tree health.
Spring Tree Care
Plant Health Care
Tree Care Checklist: How To Keep Trees Healthy This Spring
Keep your trees healthy with a spring tree care checklist to guide you on spring cleanup, tree trimming, lightning protection, soil care, and lawn care so your home landscape is ready for the season.
Holes In Tree Trunk Small Medium Large Davey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
What Causes Tiny Rows of Holes in Tree Trunk (Maple, Oak, Apple)?
Is it a bug? A bird? Who is marking up your tree's trunk? Well, it's probably a borer or a bird. Keep reading to pinpoint who's the culprit and what you can do!
Branch Breakage Snow
Plant Health Care
How to Spot and Help Prevent Branch Breakage on Trees
Branch breakage is just one sign your trees may be suffering from the winter season. So, how can you help? First, know what causes branch breakage and how to prevent it with these tips:
Planting Trees Shrubs And Flowers Near Septic Tank Davey Tree
Tree Selection Guide
What Trees Are Safe to Plant Near a Septic Tank?
Want to cover up your yard's pesky septic tank? Flowers and grass are probably your best bet. But a tree or shrub could work if you pick the right one. Just know...
Tree With Mulch
Soil Care & Mulching
Step By Step: How To Remove Grass To Mulch Around Trees
If there's grass around tree trunks, remove it before mulching around trees. Try this easy trick to kill the grass around tree trunks, then learn how to mulch!
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