Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Arctic Blast Snow Covered Roads
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How to Protect Trees from Winter Salt or Rock Salt Damage
Restoring tree health after spotting signs of rock salt damage requires management from both you and your local arborist.
Can Trees Freeze To Death In Winter Frozen Tree Snow Ice Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Can a Tree Freeze to Death in Winter?
Can a tree freeze to death? It's rare, but trees do freeze at certain temperatures (generally 20-20 degrees). Learn what happens to trees in the winter and how trees (including pine) survive winter.
Spring Tree Inspection
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Spring Ahead: Schedule a Tree Inspection
Regardless of your property's reaction to the beginning of spring, making sure your trees are prepared for the warm season is a vital spring to-do. Those who feel they don't have the eyes for catching potential issues should consider enlisting in an inspection by a professionally trained arborist.
Ash Tree Bark Plus Canopy Davey Tree
Tree Identification
Ash Tree Identification: Do I Have An Ash Tree?
What does an Ash tree look like? Learn how to identify an Ash tree by these common characteristics: ash tree leaves, bark, and common types of ash trees.
How To Prepare Trees For Winter
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Tree Care Checklist: How to Keep Trees Healthy This Winter
Follow our ultimate checklist filled with tips on how to prepare your landscape and trees for the winter, cold weather.
Pink Magnolia Tree
Best Trees to Plant for Shade for Your Front & Back Yard
Trees come in all shapes and sizes, and you want to get the one that most fits your specific climate and conditions, here is our list of the best trees to plant near your house for shade.
Drip Irrigation System Soaker Hose To Water Trees Shrubs Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
How to Water Trees and Shrubs with Drip Irrigation (and Tips!)
Drip irrigation systems automatically deliver the right amount of water to trees and shrubs. So, you get to soak up the savings (and more free time). Start by...
Planting Trees Near Retaining Wall Davey Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Building a Retaining Wall Near Trees? Or Planting Near a Wall?
Trees and retaining walls can live in harmony. But, to do that, they've got to have their space. Start by...
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