Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Aspen Tree Identification
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have An Aspen Tree?
Learn how to identify and care for the aspen tree and types of aspen trees you can try to get the visually appealing contrast they bring to your home landscape.
Landscape Stock
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Landscaping Ideas To Make Your New Home Your Own
Need help adding a personal touch to your new landscape? Keep on reading!
When Do Pine Trees Drip Sap Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
What Time of Year Do Pine Trees Drip Sap (and Can I Stop It?)
What time of year do pine trees drip sap, and how much pine sap is excessive? If it's golden brown, no need to stop tree sap from running or sapping. That's normal in spring. But if you see your pine tree oozing white sap (or a white substance on pine trees), there's a problem. Click here for more.
AS 507630274 Xyleborus Monographus MOB
Insect & Disease Issues
Mediterranean Oak Borer Threat
Here’s what you should know about this species of ambrosia beetle and how you can keep it from munching on your favorite trees.
Norway Spruce Tree
Tree Identification
Do I Have a Norway Spruce?
Learn how to easily identify a Norway Spruce by the tree’s shape, bark, needle color, and cone. Find details on how to properly care for Norway Spruces from suitable grow zones, ideal planting spots, and common threats.
5 23 19 Ground Ivy
Lawn Care & Maintenance
How Do I Get Rid of Ground Ivy or Creeping Charlie in My Yard?
Quick treatment methods followed by long-term lawn and garden care both help prevent Creeping Charlie.
Webworm End Of Branch
Insect & Disease Issues
Why Is My Tree Covered In Webs?
Tree webworms spin their webs at very tip of branches, while Eastern tent caterpillars spin their webs in tree “pockets.” Find a short list of common trees these tree pests feed on and how to proactively prevent them.
Tree Watering Bag Stock
Tree Watering
Do Tree Watering Bags Work?
Tree watering bags have numerous benefits, but in some cases, they come with drawbacks.
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