Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Should I Cut Back Perennials
Lawn Care & Maintenance
Seasonal Guide to Lawn Care
Follow this lawn care season guide so you know what your lawn needs and when it needs it throughout the year and seasons.
White Fluffy Seeds In Air Cottonwood Tree Seeds Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How Long Do White Fluffy Seeds Last on Cottonwood Trees?
Those white fluffy seeds in the air in spring are cottonwood seeds! But how long does cottonwood season last? Cottonwood trees shed cotton for several weeks from late spring to early summer. But can you stop them from producing cotton? Here's how to reduce or stop it entirely.
Planting Trees Near Driveway
Tree Selection Guide
Best Trees to Plant Near a Driveway by Zone
Here’s a list of the best trees to plant near a driveway for shade, fast-growing, and narrow driveway. All organized by growing zones, growth heights, and things to consider.
Davey Tree Tent Caterpillars Oak Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Get Rid of Spring Webworms or Eastern Tent Caterpillars
Spot spring webworms in your trees? Learn how harmful tent caterpillars are to trees and how to get rid of tent worms or tent caterpillars. You can usually remove them by hand and kill them by dropping them into water and dish soap. But if you have lots, use a tent caterpillar spray.
Davey Tree Tree Root Growth
Tree Planting & Transplanting
Tree Transplanting: Cutting Tree Roots Without Killing A Tree
Before transplanting a tree there’s crucial root prep involved. But before you attempt to prune tree roots on your own, read this post to learn how to keep your tree as safe as possible in the process.
Tree Transplanting (1)
Tree Planting & Transplanting
How To Transplant A Tree: What To Do And What Not To Do
Mother Daughter In Spring
Plant Health Care
The 5 Commandments Of Spring Cleaning Your Landscape
Safeguarding your landscape investment means seasonally tending to your trees. And spring is a great time to take a good look at how the trees in your landscape are faring and review the important steps to ensure their good health throughout the year.
Tree Leaking Water Bacterial Wetwood Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Why is Water Coming Out of My Tree Trunk? (Bacterial Wetwood)
Is water pouring out of tree or tree trunk? This could be bacterial wetwood infection, also known as slime flux. Learn why your tree is leaking water and what you can do to help!
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