Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Palm Tree In Front Of Florida Home Davey Tree 002
Plant Health Care
What Is the Best Fertilizer for Palm Trees – and When to Fertilize
What kind of fertilizer do you use on a palm tree? A slow-release fertilizer made for palm trees is best. Homemade palm fertilizers don't provide enough nutrients, but you can fertilize with Epsom salts if they have lack magnesium. Also, learn when to fertilize palms, even in Florida.
Cycad 1
Plant Health Care
Why Do My Palm Tree’s Leaves Have White Spots?
Palm Tree’s Leaves Have White Spots? Keep reading for a quick rundown on why palm leaves turn white and what you can do.
Palm Not Opening
Leaf & Needle Problems
What to do if Your Palm Tree’s Spear Isn’t Opening Up (Majesty, Kentia)
If you’re worried about a spear leaf that just won’t open on your palm tree, keep reading for some common causes—and solutions—to this palm tree problem.
Palm Tree
Plant Health Care
Palm Tree Care In Las Vegas Vs Florida
Florida and Las Vegas are both palm-friendly climates that drastically differ in weather, learn how to properly care for your palm trees.
2 14 19 Palm Tree Freeze Damage
Plant Health Care
What to Do About Palm Freeze Damage (and How to Protect Palms)
In some areas, palm trees do not get to soak up the sun all year round. Harsh winter weather can be tough on these tropical trees. Read on to learn how to help them bounce back.
What Kind Of Palm Tree Do I Have
Tree Identification
What Type of Palm Tree Do I Have?
The first step to identify the type of palm tree you have is looking closely at its leaves (aka “fronds”) and trunk. Follow this guide to learn more about your palm tree and how to properly care for it.
What Trees To Add To Increase Property Value Davey Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
What Trees to Add (Or Cut Down) To Increase Property Value
Trees do affect property value. The best trees to increase property value are hardy, disease-resistant trees, like oak or maple. Trees such as fruit and palm are nice but do not add extra value to your home or property. Cutting down trees increases property value if your tree poses a risk.
Can An Uprooted Tree Be Saved
Tree Removal
What To Do With Uprooted Trees: Replant or Remove?
Since trees take a while to grow and provide the shade, look, or privacy you crave, it’s never easy to lose one. Let’s look at the reasons for uprooted trees and what options you have to help save them.
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