Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Pine Trees That Lose Needles In Winter Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
What "Pine" Trees Lose Their Needles in Winter?
What pine trees lose their needles in winter, and when do pine needles stop falling? Over your pine shedding needles? Pick pine/evergreen trees that don't drop needles!
Tree Fertilization
Plant Health Care
Why You Should Fertilize Flowering Trees?
Fertilizing flowering trees can enhance your landscape aesthetics. By using a slow-release fertilizer it encourages blooms while increasing healthy growth. Fertilization strengthens trees by promoting a healthy root system, learn more.
How Often To Prune Trees And Oak Trees Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
How Often to Prune Trees (Including Oak Trees)
How often do you need to trim oak trees? Learn how often to prune trees to and avoid deadly oak wilt.
Fotolia 102115555 Subscription Monthly L
Tree Selection Guide
Do Bees Like Trees? Trees for Bees Guide
Include bees for trees when creating a pollinator garden! The best trees for bees are…
Best Time To Transplant Trees Davey Tree
Tree Planting & Transplanting
When Is The Best Time To Transplant Trees? (Pine, Oak & Maple)
When is the best time to move or transplant a tree? Is that the best time to transplant all trees, like pine, maple, and oak trees? Click for a detailed list!
Cicada On Tree Leaf Davey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
Do Cicadas Damage Or Eat Trees?
Cicadas don't eat trees, but do damage trees, like fruit or oak trees. Learn what trees cicadas like, how to keep cicadas off trees and when cicadas will go away!
Spring Leaf Drop Tree Losing Leaves In Spring Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Are My Trees Shedding or Losing Leaves in Spring?
For some trees, spring leaf drop is perfectly normal, But if you don’t have a tree that naturally loses its leaves in spring and your tree leaves appear curled, spotted, or brown, your tree could have an infection called anthracnose. Learn more about spring leaf drop and how to manage anthracnose.
Winterizing Cedar Trees
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How To Protect Cedar Trees In Winter
Get all details here! How to best care for your cedar tree during cold, winter months with these tips on watering (how much and how often), when to wrap and unwrap cedar trees, and how to tell if your cedar tree is dying.
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