Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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What Kills A Spotted Lanternfly
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Get Rid of the Spotted Lanternfly
Getting rid of Spotted Lanternflies (SLF) requires both you and your local certified arborist. Learn what you can do as a homeowner and how to help protect your trees and community from Spotted Lanternfly infestations.
Spotted Lanternfly
Insect & Disease Issues
Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) Alert: What You Need to Know
Get the need-to-know facts on Spotted Lanternfly (SLF): what does spotted lanternfly look like, what states have spotted lanternflies, what trees are affected by spotted lanternfly, spotted lanternfly tree damage, what to do if you see a spotted lanternfly.
Spotted Lanternfly Natural Predators
Insect & Disease Issues
Spotted Lanternflies Predators
Because spotted lanternfly fly is an invasive species, there are a handful of natural predators here in the U.S. like chickens, praying mantis, squirrels, and bats. Get your full list of spotted lanternfly predators here.
How To Get Rid Of Lanternflies
Insect & Disease Issues
Do Spotted Lanternflies Die In Winter?
Does cold weather kill spotted lanternfly? Yes, but only the grown-ups. The eggs survive the winter and create the whole vicious cycle all over again come springtime. Understanding the SLF life cycle is key!
Woodpecker Damage Stock
Plant Health Care
Spotted Woodpecker Damage On Your Tree? Here’s What To Do
Recognize & Repair Woodpecker Damage
Spring Leaf Drop Tree Losing Leaves In Spring Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Are My Trees Shedding or Losing Leaves in Spring?
For some trees, spring leaf drop is perfectly normal, But if you don’t have a tree that naturally loses its leaves in spring and your tree leaves appear curled, spotted, or brown, your tree could have an infection called anthracnose. Learn more about spring leaf drop and how to manage anthracnose.
Signs Of A Stressed Tree
Plant Health Care
Signs & Symptoms Of Tree Stress (Plus Treatment)
Learn the signs of symptoms of a stressed tree including tree stress after planting, and signs of drought stress in trees. Then discover treatment for tree stress.
092115 Eab
Insect & Disease Issues
Protect Your Ash Trees: Spot the Early Signs of EAB
EAB can potentially wreak havoc on your ash tree, but spotting these four early warning signs could save the tree's life.
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