Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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092115 Eab
Insect & Disease Issues
Protect Your Ash Trees: Spot the Early Signs of EAB
EAB can potentially wreak havoc on your ash tree, but spotting these four early warning signs could save the tree's life.
Tree Lichen Identification
Plant Health Care
What's This Green Stuff Growing On Trees And Rocks?
Lichen does not pose a threat to your tree’s health. It is completely harmless so there’s no real need to get rid of it. But if the sight of it bothers you, follow the steps in this post to remove it. We highly recommend to not use a pressure washer to remove lichen.
Tree Doctor
Plant Health Care
What is the Definition of Plant Health Care?
The best way to keep trees healthy? Plant health care. Learn what plant health care is and how it benefits your trees.
Snow On Leaf
How to Clean Up the Landscape After a Snowy Winter
Can You Keep Big Trees Small Davey Tree
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How to Care For Mature Trees
Here's how to keep mature trees healthy with proper watering, pruning, fertilization, and regular monitoring and maintenance.
Spots On Japanese Maple Tree Leaf Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
What Can I do About Spots on Japanese Maple Leaves or Trunk?
Noticing spots, powder or a fungus on your Japanese maple leaves? Whether the spots are white or brown, it's typically not a serious issue. Still want your tree to look good? Get rid of those leaf problems with these easy steps. First...
Arctic Blast Snow Covered Roads
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How to Protect Trees from Winter Salt or Rock Salt Damage
Restoring tree health after spotting signs of rock salt damage requires management from both you and your local arborist.
Beech Tree Leaf Disease
Insect & Disease Issues
Beech Leaf Disease & The Ecosystem
Learn how Beech trees are prevalent in neighborhoods and forests, making up an important part of the overall ecosystem in helping fight climate change and providing food sources and shelters for animals and birds.
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