Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Best Fertilizer For Evergreens Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
What is the Best Fertilizer for Evergreen Trees?
Got an evergreen with a "blah" color? Do a soil test to see if it needs fertilizer. Then, decide between a slow-release product or evergreen spike. First...
Davey Tree Salt Tolerant Evergreen Trees
Tree Selection Guide
Salt Tolerant Evergreen Trees (By Zone)
Winter salt can dry out evergreens, making their needles brown or yellow. Instead, select salt tolerant evergreens trees for the northeast region and each zone.
House On Hill
Tree Selection Guide
Best Trees To Plant On Hillsides & Slopes (Evergreen & Shade)
Wondering what to plant on a slope to prevent erosion? Find the best evergreen and shade trees to plant on hillsides and steep slopes.
Newly Planted Evergreen Yellow Brown Or Dying Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Help A Newly Planted Evergreen Turning Yellow, Brown Or Dying
Is your newly planted evergreen turning yellow or brown? Learn if your newly planted evergreen is dying and how to fix it.
Browning Evergreen
Leaf & Needle Problems
What To Do When Evergreen Trees Are Dying From Top Down
Think your pine, evergreen or spruce tree is dying from the top down? Find out why the top of your evergreen is turning brown and what you can do.
Best Evergreen Trees
Plant Health Care
Why Do Evergreens Stay Green All Year?
Evergreens, like conifers, can conserve water during the summer and winter because of its special needle shape and waxy coating, so their leaves stay green year-round. What is the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees? Get all the evergreen tree care tips here.
Brown Needles On Evergreen Pine Or Spruce Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
Reasons Why Your Evergreen is Dying from Bottom Up – And How to Save
If your evergreen or spruce tree is turning brown from the bottom up, does that mean it's dying? Or, can you still save a brown evergreen? Well...
Evergreen Tree Identification Guide
Tree Identification
Evergreen Tree Identification Guide: How to Tell the Difference Among Spruce, Fir and Pine Trees
Identifying evergreens can be tricky! Follow this guide on how to tell if you have a Spruce, Fir, or Pine tree by the shape of its needles and texture of cones. You will learn the different characteristics and differentiators.
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