Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Oak Tree Caterpillar Davey Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
How To Get Rid Of Oak Tree Caterpillars
Are you seeing caterpillars eating your favorite oak tree’s leaves? Find out how to get rid of oak tree caterpillars here:
Banding For Cankerworms
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Stop Caterpillars and Cankerworms with Tree Banding
Tree bands stops worms, cankerworms, caterpillars and gypsy moths. Learn when to apply tree banding to treat the problem before it starts. First...
Davey Tree Tent Caterpillars Oak Tree
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Get Rid of Spring Webworms or Eastern Tent Caterpillars
Spot spring webworms in your trees? Learn how harmful tent caterpillars are to trees and how to get rid of tent worms or tent caterpillars. You can usually remove them by hand and kill them by dropping them into water and dish soap. But if you have lots, use a tent caterpillar spray.
Webworm End Of Branch
Insect & Disease Issues
Why Is My Tree Covered In Webs?
Tree webworms spin their webs at very tip of branches, while Eastern tent caterpillars spin their webs in tree “pockets.” Find a short list of common trees these tree pests feed on and how to proactively prevent them.
Davey Tree Fall Webworm
Insect & Disease Issues
What Spider Builds Webs in Trees? And How to Get Rid Of Them
What are those web looking things in trees? Surprisingly, a spider didn't build it. Fall webworms did. Find out how to get rid of fall webworms and their webs.
Japanese Beetle
Insect & Disease Issues
Identifying Common Spring and Summer Tree Insects (Pests)
Leaf curling or spots on new leaves? Learn what insect is damaging your tree - and how to stop it.
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Insect & Disease Issues
Are Box Tree Moths Dangerous?
Box tree moths can cause substantial damage to boxwoods, potentially leading to their death if not managed promptly. Learn how to manage and treat.
Box Tree Moth
Insect & Disease Issues
Check Your Boxwoods for Emerging Pest: Box Tree Moth
Learn how to identify and protect your plants from the invasive box tree moth. Discover the pest's life cycle, signs of box tree moth damage, and effective control measures to keep your shrubs healthy.
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