Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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5133020 Smptsoft Scales Oak
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Manage Scale: Early Prevention is Key
Scale is a common pest of landscape trees and shrubs that can easily be overlooked. Here are visible symptoms of an infestation and how to get rid of scale on trees.
What Causes Brown Patch
Lawn Care & Maintenance
What Causes Brown Spots On Lawns During The Fall?
Why does grass turn brown in the fall? Brown patches on lawn can appear due to weather change, winter prep or poor maintenance. To proactively prevent brown patches and relive your grass due to brown patch disease, follow these steps in this article for lawn care essentials.
Overwintering Pests
Insect & Disease Issues
What Are Overwintering Pests and How To Prevent Them
Scale insects and Aphids are just a couple overwintering bugs that hide away on trees and shrubs during the winter season. Here’s what you need to know about scale and aphids, how to prevent them and treatment options.
Davey Tree Sap Oozing From Fruit Tree
Plant Health Care
Can You Stop A Fruit Tree From Leaking Sap (Cherry, Plum Or Peach)?
Colleen said, “I have a plum tree that's oozing sap, and many branches feel dead. Is this OK?” Stop the tree from leaking sap and see if plum tree sap is edible.
Boxwood shrubs
Plant Health Care
Seasonal Boxwood Shrub Care
Here are some tips for how to care for boxwood shrubs so you can keep these hedges healthy and tidy all year long.
Mushroom Id New Jersey Ed Zimmerman 004
Plant Health Care
The Difference Between Promoting Proper Plant Health Care and a Misdiagnosis
Can You Prune Or Cut Trees In Summer Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
Can You Prune or Cut Tree Limbs in Summer?
Wondering if you can prune trees in the summer? Usually, it’s best to prune trees in the dormant season when they don’t have any leaves. However, there are always exceptions. Learn more which trees you can cut in the summer - and the ones you shouldn't!
Pin Oak Tree Care
Tree Identification
Do I Have a Pin Oak?
Pin oak trees are one of the fastest-growing shade trees. Here are some characteristics to help identify if you have a pin oak. Hint, the pin oak tree leaves stand out among other oaks.
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