Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Tree Not Leafing Out
Leaf & Needle Problems
Why Is My Tree Not Blooming?
Why is my tree not blooming? Get all the details on why: how trees know it’s time to grow in spring, what to do once your tree blooms, tree leaf out schedule for each region and what to do if you have a late bloomer.
Spotted Lanternfly Natural Predators
Insect & Disease Issues
Spotted Lanternflies Predators
Because spotted lanternfly fly is an invasive species, there are a handful of natural predators here in the U.S. like chickens, praying mantis, squirrels, and bats. Get your full list of spotted lanternfly predators here.
What Causes Brown Patch
Lawn Care & Maintenance
What Causes Brown Spots On Lawns During The Fall?
Why does grass turn brown in the fall? Brown patches on lawn can appear due to weather change, winter prep or poor maintenance. To proactively prevent brown patches and relive your grass due to brown patch disease, follow these steps in this article for lawn care essentials.
Stop Needles From Falling Off Christmas Tree Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
How to Stop Needles from Falling Off Your Christmas Tree
Tired of sweeping up those prickly needles after stepping on them? Well, try this trick to stop that!
Why Your Bare Root Tree Is Not Growing Or Leaving Out Davey Tree
Leaf & Needle Problems
Bare Root Tree Not Leafing Out? Here's How Long It Takes to Grow
Bare root tree not leafing out or growing? How long before bare root trees get leaves? It can take up to six weeks! If it's been that long and it still has not leafed out, learn more how to tell if your tree is alive and what could be causing it not to grow!
Live Oak Englunds Tree Service
Trimming & Pruning
Help! How Do I Fix a Topped Tree?
Topping trees is harmful. If you already topped your tree and cut off its top, learn how to fix it. With these 5 steps, you can likely repair your topped tree.
Why Is Bark Peeling On Tree Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Why Is Bark Falling Off My Tree (Oak, Pine, Ash, Maple)?
Why is your tree losing its bark? Should you be concerned? Click here to learn why bark is falling off your tree - including pine, oak and ash trees.
Perennial Pruning Guide
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Perennial Plant Care: What You Need to Know About Cutting Back Perennials
All perennials need to be cut back for healthy growth. Depending on the type of plant some should be cut back in late fall or early winter, while others in spring. Learn how to properly cut back your perennials and which perennials need back in fall or spring.
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