Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Trimming & Pruning
How Does Tree Pruning Reduce Storm Damage
Proactive tree trimming helps reduce potential costly damage from storms. It prepares your trees for the various weather elements by performing regular and proper tree pruning.
Do Deer Eat Leyland Cypress
Tree Selection Guide
Fast Growing Tree for Privacy: Leyland Cypress
A leyland cypress should be planted in hardiness zones 6-10, and the tree needs at least 6 full hours of sunlight every day. It can grow to a height of 50 to 70 feet and should be planted in fall or spring. The most important thing is to avoid planting this evergreen in the heat of summer.
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Property Maintenance & Landscaping
Clean Cuts
In terms of tree care and maintenance, late fall and even early winter are perfect times to clean pruning tools and yard supplies - when they're not in use.
Gypsy Moth Caterpillar On Leaf Davey Tree
Spongy Moth: Facts, Life Cycle, Damage and Control
Spongy moth infestation? Learn about the spongy moth life cycle, how to control them and what damage they can do to your trees. Read on to discover how bad Spongy moths will be in Massachusetts in 2018 and more spongy moth facts!
How To Protect Fruit Trees From Late Frost
How Cold Temperatures Impact Spring Growth: Preparing for a Healthy Bloom
Learn how cold winter temperatures affect spring growth for trees and shrubs. From nutrient intake disruption to frost cracks and winter burn, discover essential winter tree care tips to protect your landscape all season long.
3 28 19 Diy Trimming Tree Branches
Trimming & Pruning
DIY - How to Trim Tree Branches Yourself
Large pruning jobs should be left to a professional, but trimming small branches and trees is perfectly manageable. Keep reading for a step-by-step guide to pruning small branches and small trees.
Monarch Butterfly on Flower
Insect & Disease Issues
Tree Pests vs Beneficial Insects
Beneficial insects can play a vital role in maintaining the health and balance of tree ecosystems by preying on or parasitizing harmful insects, pollinating flowers, decomposing organic matter, and contributing to nutrient cycling. Let’s explore the world of tree pests versus beneficial insects.
Tree Branch With Leaves
Leaf & Needle Problems
My Tree Has Empty Spots With No Leaves. What Should I Do?
Let’s get into the potential reasons why your trees might have leafless spots.
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