Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Wrapping Outdoor Trees With Christmas Lights
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How to Safely Hang Outdoor Lights: The Dos and Don’ts
Outdoor tree lighting requires a few extra steps to make sure they are safely decorated without damaging trees. Get a step-by-step tutorial with tips and tricks on how to put Christmas lights on your outdoor trees; as well as a few don’ts to keep in mind.
Can You Prune Or Cut Trees In Summer Davey Tree
Trimming & Pruning
Can You Prune or Cut Tree Limbs in Summer?
Wondering if you can prune trees in the summer? Usually, it’s best to prune trees in the dormant season when they don’t have any leaves. However, there are always exceptions. Learn more which trees you can cut in the summer - and the ones you shouldn't!
Ginkgo Leaves
Tree Identification
Tree Identification: Do I Have A Ginkgo Tree?
Here are some fun facts about ginkgo trees, as well as how you can spot their unique characteristics and keep them healthy all year long.
Newly Planted Evergreen Yellow Brown Or Dying Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
Help A Newly Planted Evergreen Turning Yellow, Brown Or Dying
Is your newly planted evergreen turning yellow or brown? Learn if your newly planted evergreen is dying and how to fix it.
4 11 19 Winter Burn
Plant Health Care
How To Help Evergreen Shrubs With Winter Burn
Harsh sun actually works against evergreens in winter. Come springtime, these endlessly green plants might turn brown from the damage. Find out more here!
What Does An Elm Tree Look Like
Tree Identification
Tree Identification Guide: How to Identify an Elm Tree
What type of tree do I have? Learn how to identify if you have a beautiful elm tree by these characteristics and common types of elm tree species.
Yellow Leaves
Leaf & Needle Problems
Newly Planted Tree Leaves Turning Brown, Yellow Or Wilting? Try…
Spot problems with your newly planted trees? If your newly planted tree has leaves wilting, leaves turning yellow or looks like it's dying, try this.
Cycad 1
Plant Health Care
Why Do My Palm Tree’s Leaves Have White Spots?
Palm Tree’s Leaves Have White Spots? Keep reading for a quick rundown on why palm leaves turn white and what you can do.
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