Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Tree Shoots
Lawn Care & Maintenance
How To Stop Tree Roots From Sprouting In The Lawn
Learn how to stop tree roots from sprouting in your lawn including how to prevent tree roots from sprouting and how to kill tree seedlings in your lawn.
Black Knot Fungus Must Credit Joseph Obrien Usda Forest Service Bugwoodorg
Insect & Disease Issues
How To Get Rid of Black Fungus on My Tree’s Trunk or Branches
Black fungus on your tree trunk or tree branches? Black knot disease is common in chokecherry trees and plum trees. Although you can eat plums from a tree with black knot, you should still contact an arborist to learn how to get rid of black knot on trees and how you can treat black knot fungus!
Caring For A Live Potted Christmas Tree With Roots Davey Tree
Plant Health Care
How to Look After (or Revive) A Potted Christmas Tree
While your tree's inside, you've got to keep it as healthy-as-can be so that it thrives for years when you plant it. To keep it in good spirits, first...
Fotolia 66149170 Xs
Tree Planting & Transplanting
The Best Dual Indoor And Outdoor Plants for All Conditions
Worried you have way too much shade or far too much sunlight to successfully grow plants in your yard or home? Below, read through the best plants for all conditions.
Soil Test Is Your Soil Compacted
Soil Care & Mulching
How to Perform a Soil Test (And Why You Need One!)
A soil test gives you all sorts of valuable information about the best way to care for your plants. Below, find how, and why, to do a soil test.
How To Get Rid Of Spider Mites
Insect & Disease Issues
How to Identify and Treat Spider Mites
Spider mites are not picky about what they eat, so they can quickly spread. In this post you will learn what visible damage is caused by spider mites, how to get rid of spider mites, and how to prevent them.
Best Time To Remove A Tree Davey Truck Davey Tree
Tree Removal
What is the Best Time of Year to Remove Trees?
When your tree is decaying, usually, the best time to remove it is asap! You don't want it to fall on its own. But if the problem is less severe, remove at...
Root Crown Excavatoin 2
Soil Care & Mulching
Removing Tree Roots Above Ground: Will It Harm Or Kill The Tree?
Winter is coming, and it’s the best time to safely prune the roots of your tree. Learn how above ground roots can be cut without hurting your tree
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