Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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What Does Emerald Ash Borer Eat
Insect & Disease Issues
Emerald Ash Borer Facts: What Does the Emerald Ash Borer Eat?
Get the latest emerald ash borer (EAB) facts! What does emerald ash borer eat? Does emerald ash borer affect other trees? How to treat emerald ash borer? It’s important to know the ins and outs of this insect for proactive and preventative tree care.
092115 Fertilization
Plant Health Care
Fall Tree Care: Replenish Lost Nutrients With Fertilizer
Find out the four benefits to applying a slow-release fertilizer to your trees during the fall season, and tips for choosing the right fertilizer.
Do Tree Leaves Turn Upside Down In Rain Davey Tree
Davey Knowledge
Do Leaves Turn Upside Down or Show Undersides Before Rain?
Can trees predict a storm? As the old wives’ tale goes, their leaves curl up to signal a big storm is on the way. But is it true? Read on to find out!
Dsc 0636 Jpg
Plant Health Care
Spring Tree Care Starts ... NOW?
Now is the perfect time to start planning for the good health of your trees. We think it's a great idea to plan ahead for a happy, healthy growing season.
Plantmoretrees 21
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
When to Remove Tree Wrap or Tree Guards After Winter
With protective wrap swaddled around trunks in winter, our trees can safely make it through the tough season. Read on to find out when you should remove tree wrap.
3 28 19 Diy Trimming Tree Branches
Trimming & Pruning
DIY - How to Trim Tree Branches Yourself
Large pruning jobs should be left to a professional, but trimming small branches and trees is perfectly manageable. Keep reading for a step-by-step guide to pruning small branches and small trees.
Aerating Lawn 2019
Lawn Care & Maintenance
What To Do Before Overseeding My Lawn
Follow our step-by-step guide on what to do before overseeding (reseeding) your lawn. The most important step in the process is aeration! Learn more.
What Causes Brown Patch
Lawn Care & Maintenance
What Causes Brown Spots On Lawns During The Fall?
Why does grass turn brown in the fall? Brown patches on lawn can appear due to weather change, winter prep or poor maintenance. To proactively prevent brown patches and relive your grass due to brown patch disease, follow these steps in this article for lawn care essentials.
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