Davey Blog

Whether you're picking out a tree for your landscape or making a list for this season's to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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091515 Fall Checklist
Fall Tree Care Checklist: Prepare Your Property for Challenging Winter Conditions
Follow this fall landscape checklist to keep your trees and landscape healthy through harsh winter conditions.
Why To Keep Mulch Away From Tree Trunks Volcano Mulching Davey Tree
Soil Care & Mulching
Why You Need to Keep Mulch Away from Tree Trunks
Mulching is great for your trees, but piling it too high and covering a tree's trunk, can cause decay. Learn why you should keep mulch away from tree trunks and how having mulch too thick around your tree can cause moisture build-up and could smother your tree's roots. Click here for more here!
What Is Sunscald
Plant Health Care
Common Winter Tree Bark Damage: Sunscald and Frost Cracks
During winter, tree trunks can fall victims to sunscald injury and frost cracks. Here are a few tips on preventative winter tree care and here’s how to repair split bark on trees.
How To Cleanup Your Landscape After A Snowy Winter
Property Maintenance & Landscaping
How To Cleanup Your Landscape After A Snowy Winter
Clean up your home landscape after a snowy and icy winter with these expert tips to help prepare your yard for a better spring.
Best Fast Growing Shrubs
Tree Selection Guide
Landscape Favorites: Best Slow and Fast Growing Shrubs
Get your list of some low-maintenance fast-growing shrubs, as well as slow-growers, that bring texture and interest to your green space to give you all the options you need to boost your landscape’s appearance.
Black Knot Fungus Must Credit Joseph Obrien Usda Forest Service Bugwoodorg
Insect & Disease Issues
How To Get Rid of Black Fungus on My Tree’s Trunk or Branches
Black fungus on your tree trunk or tree branches? Black knot disease is common in chokecherry trees and plum trees. Although you can eat plums from a tree with black knot, you should still contact an arborist to learn how to get rid of black knot on trees and how you can treat black knot fungus!
What Is A Blue Spruce Tree
Tree Identification
Do I Have a Blue Spruce Tree?
Learn how to care for Blue Spruce Trees like a professional. The key to a thriving blue spruce tree is good soil drainage. These trees can be planted in zones 2-7 and do well in cold climates. They need at least 6 hours of sun but can’t handle excessively hot or humid weather conditions.
Mother Daughter In Spring
Plant Health Care
The 5 Commandments Of Spring Cleaning Your Landscape
Safeguarding your landscape investment means seasonally tending to your trees. And spring is a great time to take a good look at how the trees in your landscape are faring and review the important steps to ensure their good health throughout the year.
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